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Telecommunication Mast Survey, Plymouth
Telecommunication Mast Survey, Plymouth
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MOD Small Mast Fleet

Brody Forbes were engaged by the Ministry of Defence to carry out inspections on its stock of 179 small masts located throughout the UK and in Gibraltar. 

The initial three-year contract involved carrying out the following inspections to ascertain the condition and safety of the masts and assist the Ministry of Defence in fulfilling its obligations.

The works involved undertaking the following on each mast:

Condition Inspection: Detailed inspection of the condition of each mast, including lowering the mast, testing of associated electrical and lightning proception systems, and inspection of supporting concrete foundations.

Producing including producing R8 and R9 certification, testing of electrical and LPS systems, producing LOLER Certification, inspecting the supporting foundations, and producing a Condition Inspection Report.

Report on the need for investigative work to provide missing design information.

Structural Appraisals: This involved carrying out detailed analysis of calculations and loadings to establish if the strength of each mast was adequate for its purpose and any ancillary equipment.

Completed R12, R13 and R14 certificates.

As part of this contract, a comprehensive Handover Package was provided to the Ministry of  Defence for each mast.  These included the above reports, together with the following certification:

  • Recommendations for Inspection and Maintenance of the Mast
  • R8 Form: Condition Inspection Certificate
  • R9 Form: Condition Inspection Summary Report
  • Foundation Investigation Details
  • Mast Drawings (As Built/Site Records)
  • Digital Image Record
  • Earth Resistivity Certification
  • Lightning Protection System Certification
  • Electrical Report/Certification 
  • LOLER Inspection Report
  • Lifting and Lowering Procedures & Residual Risks
  • R12 Form:  Professional Appraisal Information
  • R13 Form: Professional Appraisal Certificate
  • R14 Form: Professional Appraisal Check Certificate

Following completion of this contract, the Ministry of Defence subsequently instructed Brody Forbes to complete the remedial works identified during their initial inspections.   This work involved:

  • Lowering all masts, inspecting, cleaning and replacing brackets and fixings as necessary
  • Removing corrosion  on steelwork and re-painting
  • Replacing faulty electrical components and testing
  • Construction of earth pits and connection of new earthing system
  • Repairs to concrete foundations and, where necessary construction of new foundations

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Telecommunication Mast Survey, Plymouth
Telecommunication Mast Survey, Plymouth
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